We help your
mental sketches
take solid form.

When the challenge is complex, we say "can-do."

What is Design for Manufacturing?

Design for Manufacturability (DFM) ensures that your designs are optimized for efficient, cost-effective production and assembly. At Aprios, our DFM practice focuses on creating parts and assemblies that streamline the manufacturing process, reduce waste, and enhance quality. By carefully selecting materials and designing parts that align with the capabilities of both injection molding and 3D printing, we help you achieve precision and consistency in your products. Implementing DFM principles early in your design phase allows us to minimize production costs and lead times, delivering high-quality results that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

What Design for Manufacturability (DFM)
Can Do for You

By incorporating DFM principles, we help you create designs that are easier and cheaper to manufacture, improving the quality and performance of your products. Let us work together to optimize your designs for manufacturability, ensuring your business benefits from reduced costs, enhanced durability, and quicker production times.

Simplifying Part Design and Ensuring Consistency

Simplifying part design reduces mold complexity and costs, while maintaining uniform wall thickness helps prevent issues like warping and incomplete filling. By opting for straightforward designs over intricate ones, production becomes more efficient. Our DFM design approach provides cost-effective solutions.

Avoiding and Resolving Failure Points

Designs are refined to avoid potential failure points by using fillets instead of sharp corners, which distributes stress evenly. This practice enhances durability in both injection molding and additive manufacturing applications.

Enhancing Part Strength and Ease of Assembly

Rather than increasing wall thickness, strategically placed ribs add strength and rigidity. Bosses are integrated for fastening, ensuring stability and durability across both injection molding and additive manufacturing processes.

Optimized Material Selection and Usage

Choosing the appropriate materials is crucial. Our  material recommendations are selected to meet performance requirements, such as high-flow thermoplastics for injection molding or specialized resins for additive manufacturing. This approach ensures proper filling, reduces cycle and print times, and enhances efficiency.

Learn About DFM
with Ray Schenk


Watch our Senior Engineer, Ray Schenk, discuss the value of Design for Manufacturing (DFM) in this insightful video. Ray explains how DFM principles enhance manufacturability, reduce costs, and improve product quality, providing our customers with efficient and effective production solutions. Discover how integrating DFM into your design process can transform your manufacturing outcomes.

Understanding the Boundaries of DFM


By understanding what DFM isn't, you can have a clearer picture of how it fits into your overall product development and manufacturing strategy. DFM is a powerful tool for enhancing manufacturability and efficiency, but it works best when integrated with comprehensive design, engineering, and quality control practices.

Make your designs production-ready with Aprios.